Friday, October 29, 2010

Blog 12 Do Video Games Encourage Violent Behavior?

In this weeks blog we come try to find the answer to every parents question about how video games effect their children, "Do video games encourage violent behavior?" In the book Taking Sides author Alexander Hanson presented two views YES video games do encourage violent behavior and NO video games do not encourage violent behavior. Hanson includes Craig Anderson's expert advice, "Based on extensive research, he holds the position that video games promt young people toward even more aggression and violence than do other media content" (pg 92). Anderson believes all violent video games leave aggression in the minds of video game players. Hanson also included Henry Jenkins view of NO, "Primary audience is not children, that violence is not increasing in society, and that concerns about isolation, desensitization, and violence are overblown"(pg 92). 
Both views do bring very good points, however both views are biased. I believe if survey's were done on video game players and their violence directly connected with the actual game it would find the true, just results. I believe that both sides have valued evidence, but I think if one where to play violent video games everyday it may encourage one to tend to be or accept violence as a normal everyday way of life. I wish there was more surveys and research done on this topic, so the good of the nation would know the risks or benefits that video games could possibly have on a individual. 

check out the link below I think it is very interesting:

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