Friday, October 29, 2010

Blog 12 Do Video Games Encourage Violent Behavior?

In this weeks blog we come try to find the answer to every parents question about how video games effect their children, "Do video games encourage violent behavior?" In the book Taking Sides author Alexander Hanson presented two views YES video games do encourage violent behavior and NO video games do not encourage violent behavior. Hanson includes Craig Anderson's expert advice, "Based on extensive research, he holds the position that video games promt young people toward even more aggression and violence than do other media content" (pg 92). Anderson believes all violent video games leave aggression in the minds of video game players. Hanson also included Henry Jenkins view of NO, "Primary audience is not children, that violence is not increasing in society, and that concerns about isolation, desensitization, and violence are overblown"(pg 92). 
Both views do bring very good points, however both views are biased. I believe if survey's were done on video game players and their violence directly connected with the actual game it would find the true, just results. I believe that both sides have valued evidence, but I think if one where to play violent video games everyday it may encourage one to tend to be or accept violence as a normal everyday way of life. I wish there was more surveys and research done on this topic, so the good of the nation would know the risks or benefits that video games could possibly have on a individual. 

check out the link below I think it is very interesting:

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Blog 11 "A Survey ~ Are Citizens Better Informed in the Information Society?~"

Travis Conte
Patricia Andrews
Media, Politics & Society 
October 26, 2010
Knowledge of 2010 
Governor Race Amongst NDNu Students
After reading the book called Taking Sides, author Alexander Hanson asks the reader this question, Are people better informed in the information society? Hanson goes on to say there are only to sides to this question yes or no. Hanson writes about Linda Jackson who conducted an interview and Mark Bauerlein who also conducted an interview. Linda Jackson, "conducted a 16-month survey of Internet use by youth age 10 to 18 in low-income homes" (page 364).  She found that the youth who had internet had higher test scores and GPA's compared to students that did not have internet. Linda Jackson thinks yes, people are better informed in the information society. Hanson also wrote about the no point of view. Mark Bauerlein did a survey as well he thinks, "Youth spend much of their leisure time in front of computer and television screens, but the information age has failed to produce a well-informed, thoughtful public. Instead we have a nation of know-nothings who don't read, follow politics, or vote-and who cant compete internationally" (page 364). Bauerlein's view is no people are not better informed in the information society. After reading this chapter I was asked to conduct a survey which would encompass NDNU students and their knowledge of the 2010 California Governors State Election.  So I did just that. I asked the roughly 5% of the students 4 simple questions. 
I believe that NDNU students will feel fairly confident with themselves that they are knowledgeable about California's 2010 Governor Election.  
Survey Description 
When writing the survey questions I thought it would be best that the names of the students were left out to protect the students. When conducting the survey I used the good old fashioned method of walking. I walked around the campus and asked students 4 simple questions and personally recorded the results: 
1.How well informed do you think you are of CA State Politics?(1Low~10 Highly Informed), 
2.Can you name two candidates running for California State Governors race? Yes or No, 
  1. When is Election Day? (Answer either YES, November 2, or No)
  2. What are the different ways you can submit your vote in California? (Mail or Booths)
Question 1 Results:
Question 2 Results  **BLUE=NO and GREEN= YES**
Can you name two candidates running for California State Governors race? Yes or No, 
Question 3 Results 
Question 4 Results 
After compiling all of the evidence together, I came to the conclusion that out of the 40 NDNU students interviewed most of them have some knowledge of the up and coming California Election. After averaging some figures I came to the result that the students feel more informed then less informed for question one of the survey, the mean was 6 out of 10 (10 being highly informed). As for the other three questions that were  Yes or No based,  most of the results were very similar. Question 2 had 24 yes’ and 16 no’s  (for naming two candidates running for the state race). Question 3 asks When is election day and if they knew the date they got a Yes, 19 students got a yes, and 21 got a no. Finally question 4 had 25 yes’ and 15 no’s, this question asked to name the two different ways one can vote for California’s state election.  
If I could do this survey over again, I would only ask students who are actual residents of California. I would also interview more students however also do the survey by grade level of student, 20 from freshmen, 20 from sophomore, 20 from junior and 20 from the senior class. Overall I thought this survey was fairly accurate for the amount of people surveyed and I am proud of the results. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Blog 10 "Are People Better Informed in the Information Society"

Are people better informed in the information society? In the book Taking Sides author Alexander Hanson writes that there are only to sides to the issue. Yes or No. Alexander wrote about Linda Jackson who conducted an interview and Mark Bauerlein who also conducted an interview. Linda Jackson, "conducted a 16-month survey of Internet use by youth age 10 to 18 in low-income homes" (page 364).  She found that the youth who had internet had higher test scores and GPA's compared to students that did not have internet. Linda Jackson thinks Yes, people are better informed in the information society. Now Mark Bauerlein did a survey as well he thinks, "youth spend much of their leisure time in front of computer and television screens, but the information age has failed to produce a well-informed, thoughtful public. Instead we have a nation of know-nothings who don't read, follow politics, or vote-and who cant compete internationally" (page 364).Bauerlein's view is NO people are not better informed in the information society.  I think both have strong arguments to why people are or are not better informed in society. However, I think people are better informed. Today information is everywhere especially on the internet. People may not get the best coverage all the time but I do feel that as a entire whole society people are better informed and more connected in the information society. 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Blog 9 "Eye on the international press"

Some of the World's Major News Outlets 

I  had to take notes on one particular issue and the different perspectives one can perceive about that issue. So for my blogg I realized that there are so many different areas to focus on for the blog. I decided to do the recent Terrorist threats in Europe.


"US issues travel alert for Americans in Europe" "The US government has warned its citizens in an official travel advisory to be vigilant traveling in Europe, amid fears of an al-Qaeda commando-style attack." It talks about past attacks and also gives the public calculated guesses on what the terrorists are planning on doing to the public.


"U.S. security advisor to attend conference in south Russia"  This article talks about how they will work with US and secure their country.


"Obama 'following' Europe threat" This article talks about how Obama is "issuing its warning to Americans traveling Europe." It talks about suspect arrests and the drone attacks as well.


The Sydney Morning Herald, had a article called "Europe terror attack threat 'high'" It quoted the US state department and warned europeans/all travels to be aware of their surroundings.

NO STORY (will keep looking)


NO STORY(will keep looking)